Privacy notice for Consortio Chartered Accountants

Keeping you safe


Iceberg Accounting Limited CopyYou entrust us with sensitive financial information and we take that responsibility seriously.
Our Privacy Policy has been updated in May 2018 to comply with new regulations within the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
If you have any queries regarding GDPR or our Privacy Policy then please contact us at ku.oc.ycnatlusnocgrebeci%40ofni
Data Collection When you use our services, we collect personal data. Where we collect personal data, we’ll only process it: To complete an existing engagement with you; or To manage our relationship with you; or In accordance with a legal obligation; or Where we have your consent. If we do not collect your personal data, we would be unable to provide you with all our services and we therefore may have to disengage with you. The data we hold on our clients is necessary in order to fulfil our engagements with them in accountancy related matters.
The data we hold includes: Identity Data: includes copies of photographic identification, full name, maiden name, title, date of birth, gender, National Insurance numbers, Unique Taxpayer Reference, VAT registration number Contact Data: home address (current and previous), business address, email address and telephone phones  Financial Data: credit history, employment history (dates, remuneration, PAYE references), accountancy data, payroll data We collect the data via the interactions we have with you; information you provide to us; publicly available sources (such as Companies House based inside the EU); from various third parties (such as HMRC based within the EU or your accountancy/bookkeeping software).
Data Usage and Storage When you use our services, we collect personal data. Where we collect personal data, we’ll only process it: To complete an existing engagement with you; or Manage our relationship with you; or To comply with a legal or regulatory obligation; or Where we have your consent. If we do not collect your personal data, we would be unable to provide you with all our services and we therefore may have to disengage with you. From time to time we may send updates and other material to clients that we hope they will find useful. We will not sell or share your contact details for a third-parties use. We will only use your details and collected data in relation to our engagement. We may disclose your personal information to our service providers who perform elements of our service and process data on our behalf. These may include business partners, suppliers and sub-contractors who provide, for example, payroll processing, technology services such as hosting for our servers. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to duty of confidentiality. Third parties we work with include:
We use GoDaddy for email exchange and website hosting, via our website we collect identity and contact data in order to reply to any individual contacting usGoDaddy Privacy Policy
We use Alcom Computing for our IT support and monitoringAlcom Computing Privacy Policy
We use Dropbox to store and exchange documentation and information relevant to dealing with clients affairsDropbox Privacy Policy
We use Iris Openspace to store and exchange documentation and information relevant to dealing with clients affairs and for gaining signature approval of agreements and submissions on your behalfIris Openspace Privacy Policy (click link at bottom of their page)
We use different accountancy software, depending on our clients’ needs and existing practicesKashflow Privacy Policy
Xero Privacy Policy
Quickbooks Privacy Policy
Fluidly Privacy Policy
We use different receipt management software, depending on our clients’ needs and existing practicesReceiptbank Privacy Policy
Autoentry Privacy Policy
We use Accountancy Manager as our client management system, to store and exchange documentation and information relevant to dealing with clients affairs and for gaining signature approval of agreements and submissions on your behalfAccountancy Manager Privacy Policy
We use Rollpay to process payroll data and generate payroll documentation (such as payslips, employers summaries)Rollpay Privacy Policy
We use TaxFiler to store all client personal information and to file accounts and tax returns for individuals and limited companiesTaxfiler Privacy Policy
We access client data via HMRC both over the telephone and through our agency portal. This data is held by HMRC and we can view it or request it but changes will only be made to it with our client’s prior approvalHMRC Privacy Policy
We use Adobe for gaining signature approval of agreements and submissions on your behalfAdobe Esign Privacy Policy
We recommend that you familiarise yourself with these privacy policies to avoid any misunderstandings.
Data RetentionThe length of time we will retain your personal data depends on what it is and whether we have an ongoing business or legal need to do so.
Where we have an ongoing engagement with a client data be maintained for seven years, after this the information and documentation will be deleted/shredded unless instructed otherwise by the client.
After disengagement we hold client data for one year, it is the client’s responsibility to ensure they have all the necessary historical information and documentation for themselves and their business(s) at disengagement.
Details of prospective clients are held for a maximum of one year and then removed from our systems.
Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain systems, we recommend you update your password as soon as we have communicated it to you. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.
You have the right to access any of the information held about you by emailing .ku.oc.ycnatlusnocgrebeci%40ofni
You have the right to request that data about you is deleted. If you request for data to be deleted while we have an active engagement in place, this may prevent us from being able to complete our engagement and therefore will result in disengagement of our services.y
Should you wish to make any comments regarding this Privacy Notice please contact ku.oc.ycnatlusnocgrebeci%40ofni